A blog on current fashion, movies, art, music and culture in general and how the impending zombie apocalypse will affect this. A few zombie survival tips will be thrown in.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Vintage originals versus reproductions - what's better? And does it really matter when you're being chased by zombies? Part II
This post we're going to look at side b, the vintage reproduction. These can be just as pricey as vintage on occasion, but are more readily available and there are some talented sewers out there selling some awesome things on Etsy and ebay. Also, larger vintage reproduction clothing lines ship internationally and are creating some amazing stuff.
Check out http://heartbreakerfashion.com/ - it has some lovely vintage repros.
ABOVE: A heartbreaker dress I got from eBay. Sturdy and will hide bloodstains, but makes you an easy target.
Also, check out etsy seller vintage viola at http://www.etsy.com/people/violavintage.
ABOVE: Cool Twiggy style dress available at http://www.etsy.com/listing/29085834/vintage-style-1960s-dress-size-medium-68 . Dark colours are zombie appropriate - you can blend in in many environments and they hide blood stains! Short length also makes for easy maneuverability when escaping.
This seller also makes some brilliant reproductions: http://www.etsy.com/shop/thepinkkitten?ref=seller_info
ABOVE: Stunning blue dress available at http://www.etsy.com/listing/51473424/lucky-number-3-vintage-reproduction-40s?ref=sr_list_29&ga_search_query=vintage+reproduction+dress&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title The colour makes you target but it's great until the apocalypse hits.
Repros will probably be more readily available after the apocalypse and as most are machine made from heavy cotton, they can take a beating and a lot of washing if you're traveling light on your escape. It's a tough call on what's going to be better in a zombie war though. To be honest you're probably best with some jeans and a range of t-shirts - but you won't look nearly as good.
Vintage originals versus reproductions - what's better? And does it really matter when you're being chased by zombies?
Original vintage really can't be beat for its beautiful, often delicate fabrics and amazing claps and patterns. Much true vintage will have covered fabric buttons, matching belts home sewn and amazing vintage quirks like old fabric scrap stuffing in the shoulder pads because stuffing was hard to get a hold of in parts of Australia.
ABOVE: Neck detail on a cream vintage dress from my collection. Would be useless in zpoc because of its light colour and sheerness. It's basically useless now for these reasons.
If you can find handmade vintage you know it's a one off and going to be sturdy edition to your wardrobe. Mass-produced vintage isn't even mass produced anymore, with few of these treasures surviving. And in terms of price, my experience is that a nice reproduction dress can cost as much, or more, than an original. Sadly, it can be hard to find in Australia because we are a relatively young country with a small population compared to America. Check out Paddington Antique Centre, the Valley markets and Annerly's op shops for a few finds. Some amazing, true quality vintage is available from Etsy and most sellers do post internationally. Check out these items from the lovely Fab Gabs Vintage:
ABOVE: A stunning 1950s checked dress - available at http://www.etsy.com/listing/46402844/vintage-1950s-checkmate-sexy-secretary. Photo by the talented Lulu from http://www.camerabandit.com/ The long sleeves and gingham wool will help protect from zombie bites but the length of the skirt could hinder a quick escape. I would suggest wearing only at sieges where you'll be defending from a secure position.
ABOVE: Fab Gabs items cover a large price range, with this item up for grabs for $20 US. Available at http://www.etsy.com/listing/52112749/fab-gabs-10-and-20-1970s-lavendar-lilac and photo once more by Lulu from http://www.camerabandit.com/ Remember that lilac won't look so great with blood stains if you get attacked by zombies, and bodily fluids from undeads could be hard to wash out.
Now are these awesome dresses zombie appropriate? Probably not. They don't provide the most warmth or flexibility but if they've lasted this long they should be pretty durable. They're also so attractive you might be able to fool fellow survivors into giving you vital food supplies with your 'come hither' looks.
Next post will focus on the reproductions argument.
Zonks Batman! World War Z Movie is a goer.
ABOVE: World War Z cover courtesy www.wikipedia.com
It's just been announced at Comic Con - the long awaited World War Z movie is happening once more.
Based on the awesome book by Max Brooks (son of Mel Brooks of Spaceballs fame), the movie has been confirmed to star Brad Pitt, whose production company Plan B bought the rights to the book in a massive bidding war some time ago.
Rumor has it that they're taking their sweet time with the movie because as well as being a great horror zombie movie, it could be an awards contender for its dramatic themes.
For those that haven't read the book I plan to do a full review in a month's time but it is an amazing and frighteningly accurate look at how the human race would crumble in an outbreak. Brooks' take on how human's morals would be thrown on the window is very realistic and plausable.
Worl War Z has a 2020 release date and with the studio also buying the rights to Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide and Recorded Attacks graphic novel we could be set for a franchise.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Bill Murray is a fudging legend.
Pic by Paul Sherwood from Welland & Toronto, Canada courtesy of www.wikipedia.com
No seriously. This man is way under rated. Some of you may know him from Ghostbusters. Many will recognise him from Zombieland (you know Mark Hamill was originally considered for this cameo? Bill Murray craps all over Hamill). If you grew up watching mouldy video tapes like I did, Groundhog Day will be your most vivid Murray memory. Apparently, he got bitten a few times by the groundhog during the filming.
So why is Bill Murray such a legend? I mean, he is responsible for the horrific Garfield movie. And not to offside indie kids everywhere, but I thought Rushmore was pretty average.
But Bill Murray is not a legend because of his films. Groundhog Day, Ghostbusters and many of his work are cultural gems and it’s not like the man can’t act. But he is a legend becaase despite his fame, he “Has no agent, no business manager, no lawyer, or favorite hair and make-up artist. He travels without an entourage” (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000195/).
He’s also known for completely adlibbing his scenes when he feels the writers word aren’t up to scratch (he seems to feel this all the time). He’s been spotted bar tending at an American music festival, reading poetry to construction workers and my favorite Bill Murray story is that he sneaks up to people on the street from behind, covers their eyes and says “Guess who?”. Then when he reveals himself and the person says Bill Murray, he laughs and says “No one will ever believe you”. (http://gawker.com/5103788/sad-bill-murray-accosting-people-in-union-square and http://leisureblogs.chicagotribune.com/about-last-night/2010/07/on-the-record-bill-murray.html and many others). I’m basically going to walk the streets of Chicago one day in a Ghostbusters t-shirt till this happens. This story about him taking over a school tour group is nearly as great (http://filmmakermagazine.com/news/2010/07/bill-murray-and-me ).
ABOVE: Murray in Ghostbusters. So I don't get my pants sued off, I don't hold the copywright to this image and believe I am using it in conjunction with the fair use rational. It's from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Peter_GB1.jpg. Also, I own jack all Columbia Pictures so unless you want my collection of Phantom comics, don't even bother with legal action.
The number one reason Bill Murray is a legend? He has an 800 number for people to contact him on. That’s it. You don’t call his manager, email him or post a letter. His people don’t talk to your people. You leave a message on this mysterious 800 number and if he feels like it, he might get back to you. I would kill for that number.
So, what does this mean in the zombie apocalypse? Well, these personality traits could mean amazing survival or instant death for Murray.
With little contact with the outside world, he won’t have an issue with holing up for survival. But because he can’t be easily contacted, he may not even find out the apocalypse is on. Then, when he next plays the Guess Who game, he might lose a hand. My theory is Murray will survive. He has the money to stay at home for a while then the celebrity for other survivors to assist him. I mean, I would let myself be slowed down for Bill Murray. That’s another question we’ll address in the future: If a loved one was slowing you down in the race for survival, would you off them? And what celebrity would you allow to join your survival team?
Hang on to your tasty, tasty brains
The zombie apocolypse is inevitable. I’m not here to debate that. There will, possibly soon, be a time when all of us reduced to walking bags of takeaway for the zombie that will overrun this planet.
That I’m not too worried about. The real issue here is – how will this impact our lives? While at some stage they will out number us and our civilization will be reduced to going ‘underground’ for some time, there is going to be a couple of years in the beginning and the end where zombies are another facet of everyday living.
We must learn how they’ll impact a trip to the movies, a party, a visit to the beach. It’s something Cosmopolitian and Vogue magazine has yet to address – how to tell if your boyfriend is a zombie, or just really into your brain for all the right reasons (it’s not as obvious as it would seem when you’re a 15-year-old girl that finds the death pallour and stilted conversation of Edward Cullen a turn-on). Seriously, it's discussed here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100322114634AAcWPmT
ABOVE: Edward Cullen Zombie Sock Puppet by Underroos. It's fudging awesome. Buy it at http://www.etsy.com/listing/34906811/edward-cullen-the-sock-zombie-puppet
This blog aims to do all that and more – inform the reader of the amazing culture currently around us before our brains become someone’s snack of choice AND evaluate how our lives and tastes are going to fit in with the zombie world. How should we dress? Do our current outfits come up to scratch? What are some zombie guides you can read? What musicians will help carry us through the dark times? Is your hair just garnish on your brain cake, or can it be used in the upcoming war? And what are the cool events you should be checking out before the overcoming lust to eat human flesh numbs all else?
Please comment on any post – we all need to be sharing tips if we’re going to survive and rebuild civilization afterwards. After all, there’s a good chance your face book friend count is going to dive rapidly after the apocalypse, so we’d better stick together.