ABOVE: World War Z cover courtesy www.wikipedia.com
It's just been announced at Comic Con - the long awaited World War Z movie is happening once more.
Based on the awesome book by Max Brooks (son of Mel Brooks of Spaceballs fame), the movie has been confirmed to star Brad Pitt, whose production company Plan B bought the rights to the book in a massive bidding war some time ago.
Rumor has it that they're taking their sweet time with the movie because as well as being a great horror zombie movie, it could be an awards contender for its dramatic themes.
For those that haven't read the book I plan to do a full review in a month's time but it is an amazing and frighteningly accurate look at how the human race would crumble in an outbreak. Brooks' take on how human's morals would be thrown on the window is very realistic and plausable.
Worl War Z has a 2020 release date and with the studio also buying the rights to Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide and Recorded Attacks graphic novel we could be set for a franchise.
The book is so excellent. I nearly wet myself when they announced the movie, and dork that I am, immediately went to youtube just to watch the other dorks posting their fake World War Z trailers.
ReplyDeleteI think the best part of the book is how the different situations resonate with different people. I got chills reading about the woman who found a zombie in her house heading towards her kids (I'm a mum), but my sister, who does a lot of diving, was freaking out about the divers being in their suits and not noticing zombies had grabbed them underwater unless the zombies were in their immediate line of vision.
Also I think it's worth noting that Brooks has said he doesn't want the movie made unless it is the Lord of the Rings of zombie movies. Epic!!
Wow- I will have to youtube the trailers. I never even thought of doing that.
ReplyDeleteI thought the scariest part was that little girl in the church with the adults trying to kill them. That was freaky.
I'm mildly concerned that the movie might get hollywooded up - I hear Brad Pitt wants to play a major part, but with the way the book was written there were about 50 major characters, which if the movie follows the book exactly, would only get a small amount of screentime each. So hopefully they don't write in a bigger role to suit him.
It'll be a really complex book to turn into a script, but my understanding is that Brooks is going to keep involved to try and maintain the integrity of the story.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen District 9? That is a great mix of doco combined with "live action", and I think the style of that film would translate really well to WWZ ... snippets of news reel mixed in with the guys telling the story. Haha even Surfs Up would translate well to WWZ!
Oh, I really need to see District 9 - it's on the list (I still haven't seen avatar so it could be a while). I shouldn't be so cynical about the WWZ movie. There is so much awesome source material, even if they just focus on one of the stories it;ll be fascinating. I'd kinda like to see it as a mini series focusing on each individual story one day, that would be interesting.