For those non-Aussies, this is the most expensive and awesome musical festival in our country, and goes for about four days.
This is the first year I've managed to get tickets (which was a mission in itself and had my entire office screaming at their computers as we all hoped and prayed and got kicked out of the queue at 17 only to return in 38,9078 place. No really), so I was pretty excited.
It was a great festival, despite some awful traffic issues and the general freezingness that is Woodford, so I've managed to get over my hatred for the ticketing system. Bands included Goldfrapp, Scissor Sisters, Mumford and Sons, THE PIXIES, Florence and the Machine, Temper Trap, Washington, Clare Bowditch, Paul Kelly and lots more awesome.
I have some radcore oozing wounds on my feet from dancing in my gumboots and will need to sleep for a few days but it was all worth it.

ABOVE: Me in excellent raver sunnies, a vintage 70s dress and rainbow gumboots on my way to the site.
Splendor would be a deathtrap in a zombie invasion so I dressed appropriately
Crappy raver sunnies,a warm dress, tights in my bag for when it gets colder, a sack with the essentials (water, snacks, phone)and hardcore gumboots (ok, they're rainbow and sparkly but still legitimate gumboots).
The reason Splendor would be so dangerous in an outbreak is the sheer mass of people and over-excited security guards. It's set in rough bushland with large open spaces carved out for stages and paddocks for the hundreds of cars and campers. Small paths and bridges link the areas. If even one was infected it would quickly spread in such tightly packed crowds and seeing as a lot of people are already hallucinating some crazy crap on drugs anyway, it would not be recognized as an outbreak.
If it happens, your best bet is to ignore the security guards and make for any kind of exit -not the marked ones as those will be hard to get to - but any fence or barricade you can scale. Then head for the high ground surrounding the festival site and let the zombies feast on the masses as you look for a defensive position to ride it out in until you can move to a long term spot or your back-up bunker.
My rainbow gumboots were made for this shiz.
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